I4212E Datamax Mark II Label Printer, 203 DPI, Serial/Parallel/USB (Thermal Transfer-Direct Thermal)

I4212E Datamax Mark II  Label
Printer, 203 DPI,
Serial/Parallel/USB (Thermal
Transfer-Direct Thermal)

Product #: SSI4212ETT

Weight: 43.75


For the past several years, resellers have named the I-Class the best channel product in some of the industry's largest third-party surveys. Now we've raised the bar even higher, with the redesigned I-Class Mark II. Offering the fastest processor, largest memory and widest selection of communication ports available in a mid-range printer, the I-Class Mark II provides lower operating costs and flawless print quality. For applications as diverse as shipping and receiving, product identification, pharmacy labeling and asset tracking, the I-Class Mark II will maintain its reputation for providing outstanding for performance, reliability and value. I-4212E Mark II Direct Thermal-Thermal Transfer Printer (203 dpi, 12 ips, Serial, Parallel and USB, RTC Media Hub) Datamax-ONeil's I-Class revolutionized the barcode printer industry with its award winning modular design, field installable options and rugged reliability.

Price: $1,790.65

Price: $1,790.65

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